- The proposed project or program must be implemented in and serve the residents of southern Palm Beach County within the boundaries of Lake Worth Road south to the Broward County line, and from the Atlantic Ocean west to the Palm Beach County line. The entire $100,000 grant must be used in this geographic area within 24 months.
- To qualify for an Impact 100 PBC grant, an applicant must be a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and designated as such for the three-year period prior to October 31, 2024 (the current year’s LOI submission deadline).
- The project must have a high impact, transformative effect on the organization and/or the community it serves.
- The project may be new, an expansion of an existing program, or a collaborative effort of two or more nonprofit organizations, which fosters change that is long-term, positive, and sustainable. Collaborative letters of support are required for any other organizations, governmental agencies, or schools participating in the proposed project. Collaborative letters of support must demonstrate their agreement to participate in the project, in specific ways, with specific data, and/or services.
- The project must be well-defined and well-structured to impact many beneficiaries or fewer with great focus.
- Organizations must produce specific outcomes and measurable results.
- Recipients of an Impact 100 PBC $100,000 grant are not eligible to reapply for a grant until three grant cycles have passed from the date the grant is awarded. Merit Award winners may reapply the following year.
Impact 100 Palm Beach County does not accept grant applications to support:
- More than one project or initiative
- Activities outside our five focus areas
- Projects less than $100,000
- Projects that take place outside of our geographic area
- General operating support or overhead unrelated to the project
- Debt reduction or operational deficits
- Loans
- Bridge funding or interim financing
- Fundraising campaigns or events
- Endowments or memorials
- Partisan or political activities
- Sectarian religious projects promoting religion
- Legal expenses
- Travel expenses unrelated to the project
- Grants to individuals (scholarships) or private foundations
- Funding to pay for the strategic planning, fundraising, and marketing efforts for a Capital Campaign**
- Separate colleges/departments/divisions within public or private colleges or universities under a single 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization designation may apply in one or more of the five (5) Focus Areas in a grant year.
If more than one application is submitted, the college or university is restricted to one application per Focus Area and any applicant college(s)/department(s)/ division(s) may only submit an application in one focus area.
Furthermore, when the college or university is awarded one or more $100,000 Impact Grant(s), it may not apply again in the awarded Focus Area(s) for the three grant years following the award.
Additionally, the specific college/department/division that received a $100,000 Impact Grant may not apply again, in any of the Five Focus areas, for the same three grant year period.
For example, the FAU Department of Music under the College of Arts and Letters was awarded a $100,000 Impact Grant in the Arts, Culture & Historic Preservation Focus Area in grant year 2020. Therefore, no FAU entity may apply in the Focus Area of Arts, Culture & Historic Preservation for three years from the date it signed the contract with Impact 100 PBC. The contract was signed in June of 2020; therefore, no FAU entity may apply again in the Arts, Culture & Historic Preservation Focus Area until the Fall of 2023. The FAU Department of Music may not apply in any Focus Area for the same three grant year period.
**Impact 100 PBC does fund grant requests for Capital Campaigns which are defined as efforts to raise significant funds for a specific project including, but not limited to, the acquisition, construction, or renovation of a building, or for the purchase of essential equipment. As noted above, Impact 100 PBC does not fund grant requests for funding the strategic planning, fundraising, and marketing efforts of a capital project. A grant request for a Capital Campaign must meet the following criteria: a) the specific use of grant funds for a capital project is clearly identified and itemized in the Letter of Intent; b) the grant funds will not go toward any marketing and/or fundraising efforts of the capital project; c) the capital project specified in the Letter of Intent must be scheduled for completion within 2 years of receiving the grant, and; d) the grant request meets all current and standard Impact 100 Palm Beach County grant criteria.